Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the styluses made of?

The shells for the coloured styluses are 3D printed using PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) which is a non-toxic bio plastic.  The grey styluses are 3D printed with a special polymer which allows the shell to be slightly rubberised for good durability and flexibility.  The grey styluses were printed by the Hills innovation centre.

The foam is electrically conductive foam that can be purchased from and electronic store.  This is also call anti-static foam.  The ring styluses also have copper wire which runs from your finger to the point of the stylus.

Why do the ring styluses have copper wire?

The styluses work with the capacitive screens of smart-phones and touch sensitive tablets.  In order to work the stylus needs to conduct electricity from the screen to your finger and back again.  The copper wire needs to be in contact with your skin for the device to function.

Why does this long nail or thimble stylus not work for me? 

The foam in the long nail stylus needs to be in contact with the skin of your finger.  You need to choose the correct size stylus so that you finger tip is always in contact with the foam.  The styluses come in different sizes to achieve this.  It may be necessary to adjust the position of the foam in some cases.

What are the fake rocks made of?

The fake rock shell is made of molder concrete.  The lid is 3D printed using PLA (Poly Lactic Acid).

Who is $mart-Finger?

$mart-Finger is a group of year 7 students from Christie Downs Primary School.  They are assisted by teachers and volunteers from the Flinders University Inspire Mentor Program.

Where do get your 3D printing done?

Christie Downs Primary School does not currently have a 3D printer but as result of the success of $mart-Finger the school will be investing in one for next year.  The 3D printing was done by the following providers.  Hills, Christies Beach High and the City Council provided this without charge.

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